1.Importance of Problem Solving
- Understanding the problem solving approach
- Understanding the algorithm design for a problemCharacteristics of Webservices
- Understanding the algorithm analysis
- Understanding Asymptotic analysis & O,Ω,Θ notations
- Practical Examples
2. Array and Vector
- Understanding the concept of Vector
- Discussion of Vector implementation techniques
- Understanding Amortized Analysis
- Discussion on better algorithms for following problems, analysis & coding
- Generating Magic Square
- Generating Minesweeper Game
- Printing Array Spirally
- Assignment Problems
3. Stack & Queue
- Understanding Stack & Queue
- Practical Significance of Stack & Queue
- Discussion on implementation choices
- Discussion on better algorithms for following problems, analysis & coding
- Infix to postfix conversion
- Evaluation of postfix Expression
- Balancing of Symbols
- Stack with Single Queue
- Queue with two Stacks
- Assignment Problems
4. Linked List
- Understanding Linked Lists
- Practical Significance of LinkedList
- Discussion on implementation choices of LinkedList
- Discussion on better algorithms for following problems, analysis & coding
- Reversing of single linked list
- Implementing Josephus problem
- Duplicate removal in a linked list
- Finding middle of the linked list
- Finding common node in two corrupted lists
- Sorting of linked list
- Finding K-th node from the end of the linked list
- Detecting & Removing loop in Single linked list
- Assignment Problem
5.Priority Queue
- Understanding Priority Queue
- Practical Significance of Priority Queue
- Discussion on implementation techniques of Priority Queue
- Implementation of priority queue using Heap
- Discussion on better algorithms for following problems, analysis & coding
- File Merging
- Merging k-sorted lists into a single sorted list
- Finding K closest points to origin in 2-d space
- Assignment Problems
6. Binary Tree
- Understanding Binary Trees
- Practical Significance of Binary Trees
- Discussion on implementation techniques of BinaryTrees
- Discussion on better algorithms for following problems, analysis & coding
- Recursive traversals of Binary Tree (Inorder, Preorder, Postorder)
- Non Recursion traversals of Binary Tree(Inorder, Preorder, Postorder)
- Implementation of level order Traversal
- Generating mirror image of a tree
- Finding the count of leaf nodes and internal nodes
- Construction of binary tree from preorder and inorder traversals
- Stack or Queue less Traversals
- Assignment Problems
7. Binary Search Tree & Balanced Search Tree(AVL/RB)
- Understanding Binary Search Trees & Balanced Search Trees
- Practical Significance of Balanced Search Trees
- Implementation of Balanced Search Tree Operations
- Discussion on better algorithms for following problems, analysis & coding
- Finding LCA (Least Common Ancestor) in BST
- Searching a word in online dictionary
- Assignment Problems
8. Hash Table
- Understanding Hash Table
- Practical Significance of Hash Table
- Implementation of Hash Table using array of linked lists
- Discussion on better algorithms for following problems, analysis & coding
- Finding First Repeated and Non Repeated element
- Finding most frequent Words in a file
- Finding number of anagram classes among group of words available in file
- Assignment Problems
9. Tries & Patricia Tries
- Understanding the concept of Tries
- Practical Applications of Tries
- Designing better algorithms for following problems, analysis & coding
- Implementation of Set & Map using Tries
- Implementation of Phone Book
- Implementation of T9 Input Mode in Mobiles
- Spell Checker
- Assignment Problems
10. Ternary Search Trees
- Understanding the concept of TST
- Practical importance of TST
- Designing better algorithms for following problems, analysis & coding
- Implementation of Set & Map using TST
- Implementation of Phone Bok
- Assignment Problems
11. Sorting Techniques
- Understanding the importance of sorting in programming
- Understanding the ideas behind following Comparison based sorting techniques
- Selection sort, Bubble sort, Insertion sort, Shell sort
- Quick sort, Merge sort, Heap sort
- Understanding the ideas behind following Non-Comparison based sorting techniques
- Designing better algorithms for following problems, analysis & coding
- 2-Sum problem
- 3- sum problem
- Assignment Problems
12.Searching techniques
- Understanding the importance of searching in programming
- Understand the ideas behind following search techniques
- Linear search
- Binary search
- Interpolation search
- Designing better algorithms for following problems, analysis & coding
- Identity problem
- Searching an element in an array of unknown size
- Finding an element in a bi-tonic array
- Assignment Problems
13. Recursion
- Understanding the concept of Recursion & Activation Record
- RecursionTree
- Designing better algorithms for following problems, analysis & coding
- Towers of Hanoi
- Variations on Towers of Hanoi
- Finding Power & GCD
- Maze problems
- Assignment Problems
14. Divide and Conquer Algorithms
- Understanding the concept of Divide & Conquer
- Forming D&C relations and Solving them
- Designing better algorithms for following problems, analysis & coding
- Quick sort
- Merge sort
- Strassen’s Matrix Multiplication Algorithm
- Assignment Problems
15. Greedy Algorithms
- Understanding the concept of Greedy Method
- Designing better algorithms for following problems, analysis & coding
- Compression of textual data
- Interval coloring
- FActivity selection problem
- Scheduling with deadlines
- Fractional knapsack problem
- Shortest job first
- Assignment Problems
16. Dynamic programming
- Understanding the concept of Dynamic programming
- Designing better algorithms for following problems, analysis & coding
- Finding Nth Fibonacci number
- Finding maximum contiguous subsequence sum
- Finding Largest common sub sequence
- Coin changing problem
- 0/1 Knapsack problem
- Subset sum problem
- Matrix Chain Multiplication problem
- Assignment Problems
17. Back Tracking
- Understanding the concept of Back-tracking
- Designing better algorithms for following problems, analysis & coding
- Generating Binary Sequences
- Generating all possible combinations of input array
- Generating permutations
- Eight queues problem
- Knights tour problem
- Assignment Problems
18. Graphs
- Understanding the concept of Graphs
- Practical importance of Graphs
- Standard Graph algorithms & their applications to reality
- Traversal algorithms(BFS and DFS)
- Connected components, Articulation points & Bridges
- Minimum Spanning tree algorithms (prim’s and kruskal’s)
- Shortest path algorithms
- Dijkstra’s algorithm
- Bellman Ford’s algorithm
- Floyd-Warshall’s algorithm
- Assignment Problems
19. Suffix Array, Suffix Tree & String Algorithms
- Understanding the concept of Suffix Array & Tree
- Practical Applications of Suffix Array & Tree
- Designing better algorithms for following problems, analysis & coding
- Finding the length of longest repeated substring
- Pattern Matching
- Finding the length of longest repeated substring in a given string
- Assignment Problems
20. BitArray & Bloom Filter
- Understanding the concept Bit Array, Bloom Filter
- Practical importance of Bit Arrays & Bloom Filters
- Assignment Problems